Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation Second Monitoring 2016
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation was established at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, in 2011 agreed in June 2012. It is an inclusive political forum bringing together governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations, civil society and representatives from parliaments, local governments, foundations and the private sector from around the world that are committed to strengthening the effectiveness of development co-operation to produce maximum impact for development. It fosters engagement and knowledge exchange in the implementation of agreements on the principles of effective development co-operation (EDC): ownership by developing countries, focuses on results, partnerships for inclusive development and transparency and accountability.
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation is undertaking Monitoring Second Round in 2016 and will be monitoring ten indicators based on Busan commitment, CSO will focus on Indicator 2 and 3. In Tanzania CSO focal point for the Monitoring, Second Round is Tanzania Coalition on Debt for Development (TCDD)
Indicator 2: Civil Society operates within an Environment which maximizes its engagement in and contribution to development.
This indicator seeks to assess the extent to which government and providers of development co-operation contribute to an enabling environment for CSO, and to which CSO are implementing development effectiveness principles in their own operations.
Indicator 3: Engagement and contribution of the private sector to development
This indicator focuses on the quality of public-private dialogue (PPD) at the country level. In doing so, it recognizes the importance of inclusive dialogue with the private sector for building a policy environment conducive to growth and sustainable development.
The monitoring exercise aims at providing evidence on progress, opportunities, and obstacles in the implementation of EDC commitments, in order to support mutual accountability and stimulate and inform multi-stakeholder dialogue at country, regional and global levels on how to make development co-operation more effective. As highlighted in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, improving the quality, impact, and effectiveness of development co-operation will be crucial to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved.